1. As a member, attendee, guest, vendor, exhibitor, contractor, sponsor, or employee of NSA Austin, I will behave with civility, treating myself and others with respect and consideration at all times.
  1.  The Spirit of Cavett, which includes humility, thoughtfulness, and generosity, will guide my interactions.
  1.  I am responsible for my words and actions, understanding they have an impact on others. Therefore, I commit to choosing my words with intention and practicing active listening.
  1.  When I witness or experience a breach of NSA Austin’s Civility Code, Code of Ethics, or Professional Conduct Policy (examples can include unprofessional and/or aggressive language, inappropriate advances), I am empowered and encouraged to stand up and speak up and, if warranted, inform NSA Austin and/or appropriate authorities. Inaction and silence embolden the offender and harm NSA Austin’s culture.
  1.  I respect the roles and responsibilities of each individual throughout NSA Austin. I honor current chains of command and direct my suggestions and contributions through appropriate channels.
  1.  If it is brought to my attention that my behavior is not aligned with NSA Austin’s Civility Code, Code of Ethics, or Professional Conduct Policy, I will make space to listen to my intended or unintended impact on others, knowing that I am 100% responsible for this impact. Going forward, I will make choices that are both empathetic and aligned with NSA Austin Codes and Policies.
  1.  I consent to comply with and fully support NSA Austin's Civility Code and the Spirit of Cavett that connects me to the NSA and NSA Austin community.
  1.  If I choose not to comply with NSA Austin’s Civility Code, I could be denied attendance at events, and/or access to our online communities. In addition, if warranted, I could face suspension or even revocation of my membership as determined by NSA Austin’s governing bodies.

Note: This policy has been adapted from the National Speakers Association Civility Code.
This Policy was adopted by NSA Austin on August 19th, 2024.