NSA Austin Deep Dive

Each month following our chapter meeting, we’ll review the topics raised. Bring your questions, your comments, your accountability followup! Exchange thoughts and ideas for a further deep dive on our chapter topics.

There will be an NSA Austin Mastermind fee of $10 per session for guests, free for NSA Austin Chapter Members.

NSA Austin Membership / Affiliate information can be found here.

Please join us!

The NSA Austin Deep Dive, which is FREE to NSA Austin Members and Affiliates and $10 for guests, meets the second Thursday of the month from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.

NSA Austin Professional Members and Affiliates are FREE to attend.
Cost for non-members is only $10.


DAY: 2nd Thursday

TIME: 9:00 am until 10:00 am

This meeting is virtual! When you register you will receive the meeting information

COST: FREE for NSA Austin Professional Members and Affiliates
(Be sure that you have paid your dues!)

GUESTS are welcome: $10.00 guest fee

QUESTIONS: speakers@nsa-austin.com


Trevor Perry & Cheryl Jones

Deep Dive Co-Chairs
NSA Austin